
The 57th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium April 10-11, 2025


Key Information

1. The Graduate Student Colloquium will be in person this year with opportunities for hybrid participation.

  • The Talks will be AGU style 12min long presentations, with 3min questions. The details can be found in “Rules and Judging Guidelines” tab.
  • The Posters will be exclusively in person. The details can be found in “Rules and Judging Guidelines” tab.

2. The abstract and photo contest submission deadline is March 7th 2025 @ 5.00 pm.

  • You can submit your abstract using the google form in the “Submit Abstract/Contest Entry” tab.

3. Preparing effective posters and talks

  • Kevin Furlong will hold workshops on “How to Give a Good Poster and talk” on March 26th at 3:30 pm in Deike 541.


The 2025 Graduate Student Colloquium will be held on the 10th and 11th of April.

The Graduate Student Colloquium is a student-organized annual event that celebrates the research accomplishments of our graduate student community. This event is hosted by the Department of Geosciences and is open to all graduate students involved in geosciences related research.

The Graduate Student Colloquium provides an opportunity to present our research to the department, receive feedback from faculty judges and peers, and compete for monetary prizes. The colloquium format also stimulates research discussion, and helps students improve their communication skills and think about the broader implications of their work. The abstract submission deadline for this year’s colloquium will be March 7th at 5pm. All are encouraged to participate; presentations on research in progress are welcome.

A series of events will take place prior to the Graduate Student Colloquium including a presentation on “How To Give a Good Talk and Poster” by Kevin Furlong. The Graduate Colloquium Committee wishes to thank in advance the students and faculty for their participation. The Committee also wishes to thank the Shell People Services Division of Shell Oil Company; the Department of Geosciences for their donations of prize money and their generous financial support; and Dave Cannon and his family for their generous donation towards the graduate colloquium awards.